A sailor's tavern and levemete in the desert, where good drink and food are needed most.
Located in the basement of the Astral Advent Headquarters at Ward 12, Plot 43 of the Goblet (Balmung, Crystal).
Opening Hours - Saturdays at 8pm - 11pm EST[Site best viewed in landscape on mobile]
(Moon Horse Friend Code Extravaganza available at request, wink wink nod nod)


Blood & Bone is a Lominsan-styled tavern located in the Goblet. It follows in the footsteps of its spiritual predecessor, the Burly Barnacle, as a space for people in Thanalan to enjoy a (mostly) authentic Lominsan recreational experience.From the sailor facing dry times in the desert to the curious Ul'Dahn wishing to know what it's like to drink in Vylbrand, Blood & Bone is a place for people to drown their cares and while the hours away.The tavern is hardly a place for the faint of heart, unless a particularly faint-hearted person is into that sort of thing. It's flawed, bawdy, and manned by ex-pirates and adventurers who have seen their fair share of madness.The bar is stocked with drinks both common and uncommon, along with a few signature and special mixes. Some of them are tasty, some of them are vile, and one of them probably shouldn't be legal. Simple cutters and hearty meals are available at reasonable prices -- extra cheap if the cook's trying something new.There's games for idle hands -- play a round of triple triad with another patron or try your hand at the crystal tower striker for bragging rights.For those more serious minded there are leves, hunts and bounties available. They're all sanctioned by the Adventurer's Guild and provided through the Free Company upstairs. Adventurers and mercenaries are encouraged to grab one if they're looking for a bit of work. Those who come back with an interesting tale to tell the next opening night might find themselves with a free drink in addition to the job's rewards.Come on in, chat up the staff, have a drink, have a bite, play a game, pick a fight, fall in love...just another night at the Blood & Bone.

The Blood of the establishment. Sarij is the proprietor of the Free Company that Blood & Bone operates under. Once a pirate, the strapping, no-nonsense Sea Wolf now spends his daytime hours navigating the beaurocracy involved in Free Company business. When it comes to the tavern, some of his nights will involve serving drinks and entertaining patrons. If there's trouble to be reined in -- Sarij is your man.

The...Bone of the tavern. Take from that what you will. Bones is the apparent opposite of his stoic counterpart -- a delinquent hedonist who spends more time getting into trouble than getting out of it. Having once served under Sarij's crew, he now sees the older Sea Wolf as something of a father figure and is willing to work hard to make him proud. Upbeat, flirtatious, vulgar and playful, a night near Bones promises a night of something to watch -- like a tram crash, maybe.

Drink Menu

Food Menu

Burgers and sandwiches come with breaded fries. Feel free to order some on their own!


It's expected that people will come to the tavern to relax and take a load off after a hard day. Since Blood & Bone operates out of an adventuring free company, it's also equipped to provide patrons with opportunities for adventuring work in addition to the regular comforts.Interested parties can find a selection of leves available for the taking. The jobs range from things like transportation to hunting work. It's a mixed bag, so keep checking in on the available jobs from week to week.Take a job, come back with an interesting tale to tell, and maybe there'll be a free drink in it for you -- in addition to the pay, of course.


Welcome to Blood & Bone! We hope to provide you with a small slice of immersive entertainment each week. To keep things safe and comfortable for everyone involved, here are a few basic rules to follow during your time with us:- Please be respectful of the staff and other patrons. We're all here to get immersed and have a good time. If conflict comes up that makes one or more parties uncomfortable, send a tell to one of the staff members so that they may intervene. Everyone is asked to follow the general guidance and instructions of the staff. If you need anything at all, the staff is here to help.- Blood and Bone is a LGBTQIA+ positive space run by members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Everyone is welcome, but respect for the space and its patrons is a must. In that spirit, racist, sexist and queerphobic behaviour will not be tolerated.- Blood and Bone is an ADULT space, run by adults who expect adult patronage. Underage players and characters are not allowed. Regardless of whatever coming of age lore there is in the world of FFXIV, any character or player under the age of 18 will be asked to leave.- We are also a sex positive space. It's a bawdy tavern run by ex pirates, mercenaries and treasure hunters. Lewd things will be said, some flirtation may be had. Even with this in mind, patrons are expected to respect the boundaries of their fellow patrons and the staff. Some of the staff may be more open to flirtatious interaction, but it is important to understand that there are real people behind these characters with various comfort levels. Employ discretion with interactions -- if you are told that you are going a bit too far, please stop. People who refuse to heed this will be asked to leave.- Remember that IC actions have consequences!- Gil prices for food items will remain mostly vague. 'Cheap, moderately priced, expensive' etc. There's no need to pay real gil! We're doing this for fun! We'll suffer in roulettes and craft for our money. Tips are appreciated though!- A few of the drinks are minigames! The games will be explained in another section of the carrd, but the staff will also explain how it works on the spot. The mini-games are optional, so if you got a drink and you don't want to play the game associated with it, you can easily decline. That's less fun, though!


The drink comes with a coin at the bottom of the glass. Roll a /random (999)! If you get anything from 1-999, it's a one-gil coin. If you get a 0, it's a 100,000 gil coin. You'll receive this gil from the staff!

This drink is just a fun little game that also serves as a roleplaying prompt. Each time you order the drink for yourself, the 'chakra' count will go up, from a scale of one to fourteen. As the scale goes up, so does the alcohol content. Feel free to play that off however you like. Anyone who can regular have a fourteen chakra glass is a mighty drinker indeed.

The instructions on rolling for this will be offered in game! Just know that it's gross, and it is hell. So have fun!

Roll a /random 2! 1, you get punched in the face. 2, you get a kiss. Cheeks, lips, forehead -- whatever the comfort levels of both staff and patron determine at the time. If a 0 comes up, reroll! The staff will warn about what this drink entails before serving it to secure consent.

The ultimate act of putting your fate in the barkeep's hands. No harm will come to your character. The experience is safe, and meant to test a character's (AND PLAYER'S) ability to keep a secret. Honestly, it's the best way for a character to mess with their friends during a visit.

Roll a /random (999). The higher you roll, the higher it goes! Anything over 900 rings the bell. If you get a 0, prepare to be loudly laughed at by the staff...

Not QUITE a mini game, but if you want to play a song on stage, talk to the staff to arrange it! You'll get a bit of gil for it, and any tips are yours to keep!